Tony Birch 2015 Ghost River (UQ Press)

Deep dive into the Merri and Yarra. Boys I would have worked to befriend and river I would have swum in. Emotive writing, water under change. Swirling flow of an ancestral serpent spitting out the chest-puffing of capital and welcoming the good-hearted.


'The urge to destroy is a creative urge too' (graffiti on right hand back strut)
‘The urge to destroy is a creative urge too’ (graffiti on right hand back strut)

Quinn Eades 2015 All the Beginnings (ASP)

The conceptualisation and production of ‘écriture matière’ in this text is breathtaking. Eades takes readers into the ‘glittering abyss’ that includes the breathtaking entry of two boys into this world. Cixous and Irigaray as poets as well as critics. Inspired.

Writing that leaks through the skin (Eades’ ‘écriture tatouage’)
Writing that leaks through the skin (Eades’ ‘écriture tatouage’)


Kate Jennings 1996 Snake (Minerva)

A slithery book that began as a poem and it reads that way. ‘Girlie reads books like a caterpillar eating its way through the leaves on a tree.’ (93). A series of hard slaps with chapters that are sometimes one short paragraph long.

Cover detail: ‘necessary to the balance of nature’ (109)